How to install a sound system in a school?

How to install a sound system in a school?

At the time of this new school year, Rondson proposes you to make a small revision on how to soundproof any schools, colleges and high schools, by taking into account the various constraints (surface areas, safety standards...).

Broadcasting of microphone calls and course ringtones!

The public address system in a school has to respond to specific functions, namely: to broadcast end-of-course bells and microphone calls as well as to emit alarm bells and evacuation messages to comply with safety regulations, in particular the PPMS (Particular Safety Plan)

Course ring tones and microphone calls

Course ringers and microphone calls!

Any school must be able to handle microphone calls, class bells as well as emergency evacuations from different buildings. This is why we generally recommend a comfort sound system on several zones in 100 volts line. This one can be realized in analogical or on IP network if need be.

Compliance of a PPMS

Compliance of a PPMS !

Within the framework of a Particular Safety Plan, the objective of the sound system is to be able to broadcast as quickly as possible the alarm bells and/or evacuation messages in order to ensure the safety of the students and the personnel until the arrival of the emergency services in case of major risk.

Rondson accompanies you on each step of your project and proposes all the necessary material to answer an installation of a school in line 100 Volts:

- Built-in speakers, sound projectors
- Pre-recorded message player and course ringtones
- Microphone call desk
- Audio source player : CD /MP3 / USB / AM / FM Tuner...
- Zone amplifier-preamplifier
- Magnetic induction loop amplifiers for the hearing impaired

Find a typical installation for a comfort sound system in a school with Rondson equipment: Sound system solution for a school.

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